Computer TipsHow to Repair Computers

When Windows 7 Slows Down

How to speed up my computer

Windows 7 certainly delivers its promising of being a blazing-fast OS, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. Even a solid set-up like Windows 7 can be made a little better.

When Windows 7 Slows DownThere’s also the trouble that can arise with a computer you’ve had for a little while. An OS can be irritatingly sluggish after a lengthy period of time, and the blame for that doesn’t necessarily fall with the OS.

Once you understand some of the reasons why your OS is running poorly, you can begin to go about the process of doing something about that.

Why Is My Operating System So Slow?

Your first step is to understand why an operating system isn’t running as well as it once did. Identifying the problem areas can help you to figure out solutions that can get your computer back to a decent running speed in no time.

These are the most common reasons for a slow OS:

Too much junk in the system. You would likely be amazed at how much junk can accumulate in a computer over a decent period of time.

When Windows 7 Slows DownOne way in which computers are kind of like people is in the way our systems respond to a lot of junk.

In the same fashion that eating tons and tons of junk food can leave us unable to perform even the most basic tasks, too much junk in a computer can seriously inhibit your ability to use the computer effectively.

A HD that’s absolutely packed. How much space is left on your hard drive? Take a look, and if a substantial portion of your hard drive (more than ¾) is used up, then it might be time to clear some space out.

You can ask your computer to break down the contents of your hard drive, which can help you remove unnecessary files, but you may also have to make some hard decisions about removing content.

If there’s a game you’re not playing a lot anymore, you may want to consider removing it, if it takes up a lot of space.

When Windows 7 Slows Down

An abundance of unnecessary services and programs. Running too many programs and services all at once can really bring the speed of Windows 7 down, especially if you’ve had your computer for a little while.

Fix this by removing those programs and services that are constantly running, but just aren’t needed to use your computer.

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