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Earning more with AdSense

Google AdSense is actually a pay per click service. Google collects revenue from the advertisers and the web masters receive a portion of that revenue based on the number of clicks on AdSense advertisement. So this basically means that the more clicks, the more you get paid. Most people are not able to earn much from AdSense because there is something they are doing wrong. There are some tricks which will help you to earn more from AdSense.

The most basic method of earning more from Google AdSense is to get more traffic on your website. This will increase the number of visits and eventually the clicks on advertisements.

Placing Your Advertisement Strategically

adsense Placing Your Advertisement Strategically

Another way to increase your earnings would be placing advertisements on your website strategically. The best place for advertisement is where the visitor or user is looking or most likely to look. You can do an experiment yourself. Open your own website and notice where you look first. This way you can assume the behavior of other visitors and place advertisements accordingly. You can also place advertisements alongside the content. This is the best place for advertisements and viewers do take notice. Advertisements on the top of the page usually get satisfactory amount of clicks. You should definitely put up advertisements there because that place catches the visitor’s attention.

But there are some users who already have become ‘advertisement blind’. This is a condition in which internet users’ brains automatically ignore advertisements on top of the page. In order to deal with this you can place advertisement below the heading or subheading, or in between the content to get viewers’ attention. Avoid putting advertisements on bottom of the page because they usually perform poorly. Most viewers do not even reach the bottom and do not even get a chance to look at the advertisement. Ads placed on the left and right side of the page also perform satisfactorily and usually get more clicks than the advertisements on the top. This is because these advertisements avoid the problem of advertisement blindness. Advertisements on left usually do good because left side is reserved for the menu of the website and most people continuously look at the menu to surf the website.

Your Google Ads Colors

Color of the advertisement is also important. Most people prefer keeping bright colored advertisements so that viewers can quickly notice them and such advertisements do get more clicks. Get information about the keywords that are paid the highest. Use free Google Keyword Tools for this purpose. Google AdSense uses automatic bots that decide advertisement placements and if your website has specific keywords that are paid highly, you can definitely increase your earning. Along with this trick, testing your efforts again and again is the key to succeed. Try using different colors and keep changing positions of advertisements if nothing is working out. A time will come when you will finally get the ideal position.

These are very simple rules and just use your creative mind. If you implement these rules you will definitely increase your Google AdSense earning. If you would like to get more information about making money online don’t hesitate visit our internet bookstore where you can find all information to start successful online business.

Why Use Google AdSense?

On the one hand, if you own a website, it is a good thing for the site to generate revenue — it helps to pay for continued development of the site and rewards the webmaster for the time and energy invested for producing good, quality content.

On the other hand, your site visitors might not take well to ads. This is true for government owned sites and sites targeted to a specific population where public or private information delivery is more important than selling a product or service. Local government web sites would fall into this category.

If your site sells a certain product, it could be a disadvantage to serve targeted ads to your customers. You certainly wouldn’t want to send a potential customer to your competitor’s site. Then, again, the inclusion of targeted ads might be a complement to your own products and services. You’ll have to decide what the primary purpose will be for placing ads on your site.

Whether or not you choose to serve ads on your site is up to you but here are a few things about AdSense that you might want to consider:

Using color schemes and certain AdSense formats that blend well with your site design can be relatively unobtrusive — especially when you consider sites that use more obtrusive techniques like pop under, pop in and pop out. Personally, I find nothing worse than visiting a site and immediately presented with some pop-up ad. When it happens, I’m gone and that site is forever history.

Since Google finds advertisers for you, there is no need to spend valuable time locating quality advertising sources, which itself can be a full-time job.

Google publishes guidelines for ads submitted by advertisers; therefore, the advertisements delivered can be well written.

Google AdSense is a relatively easy program to join. It only requires that you have a web site with some original content.

There are thousands of advertisers who are members of the Adwords program. This gives you ample room to build niche sites that can receive targeted ads. Having so many advertisers available guarantees that your product or service will always have an advertiser source available for you.

Pros and Cons of Adsense

Pros and Cons of Adsense

Many of you already have great experience in website managing. Now the question that surrounds your mentality and judgment is whether to integrate Adsense into your site or not.

Adsense is indeed a miraculous and eminently impressive program that has influenced the internet and its followers in a wonderful manner. In fact there is no solid alternative to Adsense program at the moment. But it possesses its own set of strengths or pros along with flaws and cons.

Website owners work hard to update their websites with quality and effectively accurate content which is conducive and integral to bring in increased number of visitors. This traffic will turn in an increased level of profit, when these visitors click on the ads. These ads are placed in your website and Google reimburses you for every authentic and confirmed click made. These ads are subject to heavy modification and customization so that your ads reflect and conform to your own preferences and can then bait in more visitors. It is convenient and efficient as it allows for site owners or webmasters to utilize a single account in displaying the ads instead of having to undergo the hassle of establishing several or many separate accounts.

Well that is all well and true, but it is still undeniable that this program suffers from its fair share of drawbacks as well.

The first and most nettling of all the flaws that Adsense entails is the closing or shutting down your account due to the fact that someone is making clicks on your page that are not authentic or are related to a click fraud. Those clicks are identified by Google as invalid clicks. Despite the fact that it is not your deliberate action that culminates fraud clicks, your account will be disabled and accumulated earnings lost. It may very well be an adversary or rival who intends to shut you down through said action or alternative. Actually Google is often criticized because of banned accounts without reason explanation. The best you can do about this matter is implementing your ads in strict accordance with Google Policy and then perform everyday monitoring of the ads performance to catch in time any suspicious activity.

Any modification that you make on your site can go either way, that is it could be profitable or it could cost you a large sum of the lost so, it is understandable when you feel pressurized and under constraint when mulling over the decision to adopt Adsense or not. To get more profound understanding how to make money online with Adsense please visit our online bookstore where you will get all necessary guides to start successful online business.

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