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How to Build A Gaming PC From Scratch

Learning how to build your own pc.

How to Build A Gamin PC From Scratch

Building a own gaming computer is a highly personal decision. It takes you a lot of work, but best results in a unique way, personalized machine whose parts can be easily swapped out for repairs or upgrades. What components do you need, and how do you even begin to evaluate the dozens of options for each?

We’ve put together a guide explaining the standard components and discussing the quality of various models, to help you set cost expectations and manage your budget. The budget models will provide a good gaming experience, where the top of the line models will provide a great one.



Graphics Card: Beauty in Motion

So let’s start with the graphics card! It also called a video card, this component communicates with output sources (e.g. monitor or TV) to provide visuals. The card you choose dictates the quality of graphics your computer can render. it depends to you..Sturdy and dependable. Nothing fancy.




CPU: The Brain of the Computer

Next is the processor carries out the commands issued by the computer’s various components, so its power is very important this is the CPU or known about “THE BRAIN OF THE COMPUTER” without this your computer is nothing. This Year there are many kind of processor that can suit to your taste and needs. For me I go for the good but perfectly serviceable but will become slower and outdated faster.



Heat Sink & Fan (HSF): They’re Pretty Cool

Another thing that you need is HSF (HEAT SINK & FAN)  is critical to your computer’s health, as it helps keep your CPU and other components to be cool and away from overheating and burning out. Higher cost HSF units feature liquid cooling or additional fans. Closed liquid cooling system means you don’t have to change out the liquid. Ever. We think that convenience trumps the more expensive open units. If you budget is not enough You can stay in Stock model, free. Most stock HSFs included with the CPU are sufficient for basic computer needs. you save money and then you save you computer away in danger.



Motherboard: She Holds the Computer Family Together

The motherboard is the nifty device that a lot of your components clip into. It allows each of these components to speak with each other and provides you with peripheral ports like USB and HDMI slots.
TOP: ASUS rampage V Extreme . This thing will handle pretty much any peripheral on the market and can be loaded up with RAM.
BUDGET: MSI 970A-g43  . If you’ve gone the AMD route, the compatible AM3+ Socket will work with the AMD CPU we mentioned above.


The hard drive is your internal storage device it is also an electromechanical dara storage device that uses magenetic storage to store and retrieve digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material.  When your technological capabilities have increased, high capacity hard drives have become even cheaper.

We recommend a 1 terabyte (TB) hard drive below, but if you see a great deal on an even high capacity model, go for it! it is better to have that.

TOP: None. Go with a solid state drive (SSD). We’ll explain why below.

BUDGET: Seagate 1TB Desktop . Really, any 1 TB HDD will do. If you have a brand preference, feel free go with that.





A solid state drive (SSD) can be used instead of or in addition to a hard drive. It differs from the HDD in that it has no disk or other moving mechanical components. This results in a faster, quieter and more shock resistant drive. Because these drives are newer and carry lower capacities, You need like this to occupie all data what you need to be stay on you but they are still quite pricey.

TOP: Samsung 850 Pro Series MZ-7Ke . Spare no expense here! Get two for additional storage space and speed.

BUDGET: None. You already bought the HDD so you’re good!





RAM stands for Random Access Memory, but my friend it is just call it RAM or memory. It’s controls how quickly your computer responds to the commands you’ve made as well as how many high capacity programs or games you can have running before performance is impacted.

As a rule, there are so many more RAM is better so be guided by either the highest capacity your budget allows or the minimum required for the game you want to play or software you want to run. better to have this than never.



So, is that all you need to build a computer? Near But Not quite!

You’ll need a case, Monitor, mouse, keyboard And Headset.Options for these components are incredibly varied and “best” is defined by your personal preference in color, design and gaming style its all for you! what you want,what you need. Once you have all the components for your gaming PC, it’s time to install them. How you install these parts, and in what order, is up to you.

You just spent enough time up front researching your components and their compatibility, it should be easy to assemble your gaming PC and you add more knowledge and also idea, Just take your time, and always follow manufacturers’ instructions, be careful as this is real electricity flowing here so check always, and enjoy the process.

If you require any further information, feel free to comment down.

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